

By SBC |  April 14, 2011

What is the KALEO Network - Colorado? The Colorado Baptist General Convention is partnering with the North American Mission Board, local associations, and churches to assist emerging leaders who are exploring a call to ministry. The KALEO Network provides the support and resources emerging leaders need to be the powerful ministers of the gospel God has called them to be. The KALEO Network – Colorado creates a network of emerging leaders within the state who are being mentored specifically toward their ministry goals. Emerging leaders also get valuable practical experience to begin putting their God-given call into practice.

Who is involved in the KALEO Network?
The KALEO Network - Colorado will be rooted in the work of the local church which has been given the responsibility and privilege of guiding emerging leaders to answer God’s specific call on their life. The KALEO Network, consisting of churches, associations, the Colorado Baptist General Convention, Southern Baptist agencies, mentors, and coaches, all work together to equip and empower emerging ministerial leaders.

Who are KALEO Network Coaches?
Through the KALEO Network, emerging leaders will work with their church leader to find a coach. The coach will be a minister the emerging leader knows and trusts to make an investment in their life to help them become the person the Lord is calling them to be. KALEO Network coaches will meet with their emerging leader on a regular basis to develop and work through a developmental plan designed to guide them toward their ministry goals.

KALEO Network Regional Coaches will be placed with a small number of emerging leader/coach pairs. They will be trained in the various resources that will equip students in their pursuit of their ministry goals. Regional coaches will communicate regularly with coaches to give them the resources and encouragement they need to invest in their emerging leader. They will also work to provide quarterly opportunities for students in the same region to meet together for times of fellowship and sharing what the Lord is teaching them.

What is the criteria to be a KALEO coach?
KALEO Network coaches are Southern Baptist men and women who have answered God’s call to ministry leadership and are currently serving in a ministry leadership role.

Understanding the significance of the coaching role is critical to those who desire to serve as a coach. The spiritual ramifications of serving in this role are immense and should not be entered into lightly. Coaches are to focus on the emerging leader, not themselves, their abilities or accomplishments. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the coach is to guide the emerging leader to discern God’s call on their life, discover their God-given leadership abilities and direct them to engage in learning experiences.

Why be involved in the KALEO Network?
It is our desire to help churches to raise up a generation of emerging leaders who will take the gospel message to their communities and to the nations. We want emerging leaders to be aware of the ministry opportunities they have now and to be challenged to pursue opportunities in the future. Jesus gives us very clear instructions to spread His name to the ends of the earth. It will take everyone to reach those around us along with every heart across the globe. We take that calling seriously and train students to be effective ministers of the gospel.

